Private Fur is equipped with the Pablo Tax refund system. This service enables our customers residing outside the EU to obtain, under certain conditions, reimbursement on the basis of 15% VAT (value added tax) on purchases made on the website
According to customs regulations (Article 262 of the Tax Code and the circular of 13 February 2015 FCPD1502040C) the conditions to qualify for a VAT refund are:
After shopping online with a minimum amount of 175.01 euros, you must send us by mail the same day the following elements:
On obtaining these items, we will publish a clearance note that we shall send you by email.
When leaving the EU, you must validate your voucher from the Customs of the airport, the station concerned or the land border at the latest by the end of the third month following your purchases. Validation is done with automatic terminals PABLO, or possibly with the Customs Office. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the cancellation of the schedule and a possible fine. Customs may at any time control you.
When we are informed of your visit to Customs via terminal PABLO, we will then refund by bank wire of 15% VAT for your purchase.
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